Rules & Voting

Distribute rules and providing comprehensive voting packages for all needs, whether your association is determining to assess, increase budgets, change position roles, or anything else.

Distribute rules and providing comprehensive voting packages for all needs, whether your association is determining to assess, increase budgets, change position roles, or anything else.


Give residents voting power from their mobile devices so the association can easily get resident cohesion or input on any item or setup an official vote for various details.

Provide rules in an easy to access way for your associations so they can easily understand the governance items they live by.

Board Approval
Associations can now request board approval for various items and keep track of how those ballots were voted, automating tracking.

Fully Integrated
Our ledger integrates your rules and votes with your violation, service requests, and dispute resolutions, automating how associations can provide evidence to residents of various governance items.

Understand Property Governance

Keep your rules & governance items a top feature in your association's operations with our governance and voting features. Your association can define their rules and integrate those rules with voting items, violations, or dispute resolutions.